Sunday, February 19, 2012

Stories Told

I've had my nose in books the last few weeks and I wanted to share my winter reading!  I have been pondering how in depth to pursue farm animals and gardening this spring considering the many other responsibilities under my care!  It's much easier to read someone else's farming adventures than trudge out into the rain and cold mucking stalls, milking and feeding every day!  The books I've read most recently are:

Homesteading in the 21st Century - How One Family Created a More Sustainable, Self-Sufficient, and Satisfying Life by Goerge Nash & Jane Waterman.


Growing a Farmer by Kurt Timmermeister

Both books are stories of farming with it's pleasures and trials written in a modest way.  I found many things I could relate to in our own story since we bought our home and humble 2 acres almost 7 years ago.  We have had chicks, a bull calf, goats, rabbits, a pony and a horse, kittens and dogs and children!  (but not all at the same time) Apparently there are more stories to tell about our own adventures up to this point!  I also thought they were realistic and very informational! 

The one called Growing a Farmer is about a farm on Vashon Island which isn't too far from where we live so it was easy to relate!  Also, I grew up visiting grandparents on Vashon and have fond memories on their 10 acre farm so that was a bonus! 

I do have one more book that I would like to read but I will need to order it first called Year of Plenty!  Since it's been too cold to get my hands dirty I have been satisfied with reading about it and dreaming!  Please do tell if you have other reading suggestions! 

1 comment:

  1. I always wanted chickens until I read a book about keeping them. :/ I had never considered a big coop of chicken poop! ;)

    ps - Your house is so darling. I love it!


About Me

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wife & mother of 4 beautiful children, 2 girls & 2 boys. small business co-owner; catering and a restaurant/alehouse, writer, gardener, lover of freedom and humility found in christ, small town enthusiast, book reader, admirer of noble truths, beauty and love
