Thursday, June 24, 2010

Quote of the Day

Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world when He could do something about it... but I'm afraid he might ask me the same question.  (Anonymous)

This quote, along with a couple of  scriptures have been invading my every thought lately.  They are redefining (it was once more clear) my whole perspective on being a christian.  I have always wondered when I stand before God when my life is over, what will I actually be judged on.  What will be left when my life is said and done - only those treasures I have stored up in heaven.  This is what the bible says:

Come, you who are blessed by my Father, take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.  For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me... I tell you the the truth, whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me.  Matthew 25:34-40 (shortened)

This is the answer that was hidden right in front of me!  It's not as though I have never shown compassion.  But have I shown love and compassion to the measure that I was able to?  Have I sacrificed my own comfort and dreams to meet others needs?  I confess I have fallen short.  I am so regretful for the lost time.  So now what will I do with the answer?  Seek out the widow, the orphan and the stranger, anyone who has need and show them love in tangible ways. 

A little over ten years ago, before I met my husband and started a family I had a passionate heart for missions.  I went to South Africa on a mission trip with my church for 2 weeks and served.  It was amazing, and I was seriously considering a move there to teach children for a commitment of 6 months to a year.  Then I met Scott and fell in love.  We have been blessed with a good marriage, our own catering business, a life together with four healthy beautiful children to raise in the country.  I have been so thankful for what I have and also have felt that our lives are so full!  Yet, instead of realizing we have our dream come true and offering it all back to God, saying we are completely yours and will share open-handedly what you have given... we got comfortable.  Quite cozy and comfy.  Well, I am praying that the Lord will bring the passion back that was once so full.  I pray it will spill over to my husband, and children and then out into the world. 
So these are my thoughts.  Please, please feel free to comment and share your thoughts with me.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect quote, and what amazing pictures! May God bring back the passion of our first love-Him-and show us new ways to serve Him.

    Send me an email, did you get the links I sent you?


About Me

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wife & mother of 4 beautiful children, 2 girls & 2 boys. small business co-owner; catering and a restaurant/alehouse, writer, gardener, lover of freedom and humility found in christ, small town enthusiast, book reader, admirer of noble truths, beauty and love
