Friday, January 14, 2011

It's time for my winter break...

Time to hunker down for that long winter's rest...

so enjoy your cozy fireplace and your good book (and I will too).  Enjoy your comfort food and your creamy lattes (and I will too).  I'll be back when the sun comes out to solar power me!


  1. We'll be waiting... for you and the sun! :)


  2. Okay then. Keep me updated however you can. ;) Miss you on this blogthing, but I do understand.

  3. What a beautiful blog! I was just admiring this background last night and getting sad that it didn't work for my "theme." It loks maaahvelus the way you use it! I too am promising less blogging time in 2011 but I can't wait to go explore yours more!
    Stay snug,


About Me

My photo
wife & mother of 4 beautiful children, 2 girls & 2 boys. small business co-owner; catering and a restaurant/alehouse, writer, gardener, lover of freedom and humility found in christ, small town enthusiast, book reader, admirer of noble truths, beauty and love
