Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why I love this time of year!

Okay, so I've been noticing a few starting to get a bit down about fall fading into Winter.  First of all I understand because I did have one fleeting thought this week "Oh no after the holidays it stays miserable for sooooo long"...but I quickly pushed it out of my head.  Let tomorrow worry about tomorrow I said & then went along happily because we are still in the season I love. 
So, these are the things I love:
I love it when the rain pours down and the wind blows all around while I am inside my cozy house with the woodstove warmth wrapping me like a wool blanket.  It makes me so thankful to have shelter!

I love it when my children are all home from school in the evening & we have just had a fallish dinner of Ginger Carrot Soup with Turkey & Swiss Grilled Sandwiches.  We putter about satisfied and resting wrapped in dark with glowing lamp light to cozy up to.

I love making gift lists for the holidays (I always start early because just like my pumpkins come out in early Sept. my sparkly things start coming out before Thanksgiving!)  I LOVE CHRISTMAS.  It makes my heart glad.

I love bundling up to go out in sweats & ugg boots and sweaters with vests and knit hats.  It doesn't get better than that - except when I feel like going less casual and get to wear my favorite brown boots with jeans & a cute jacket!

I love the sunny days that break in and surprise me so I can't help but going out for a walk and feeling so blessed to have another gorgeous day - we have more nice days in fall than any other time of the year in the NW I think.

I love to hope for the first snow!

I could go on and on I think but that might be a real bore!  Just had to share why my heart is still full (and I'm so thankful it is!)
And come on - who wouldn't love this!  My little pooch Opal shows how to get really comfy on a drizzly day.


  1. It is good to remember why I should be thankful. I have much to be thankful for, I'm sure!

    Fall is also my favorite time of the year.

  2. I absolutely love fall and have a hard time hearing people complain about it too. My favorite is a crisp cold morning when the sun is shinning!


About Me

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wife & mother of 4 beautiful children, 2 girls & 2 boys. small business co-owner; catering and a restaurant/alehouse, writer, gardener, lover of freedom and humility found in christ, small town enthusiast, book reader, admirer of noble truths, beauty and love
