When I was a little girl my sister & brother and I used to take a special trip on holidays to visit Grandma Bev & Grandpa Odell on Vashon Island. This was a special treat as they owned a little tiny 100 year old house (then) on 10 acres that we were allowed to explore and enjoy! The trips always entailed a ferry ride across the Puget Sound. Well, it's been many years since I've been back and I have wanted to take my own little girls and boys to visit and see a glimpse into my childhood! They loved it! We were able to find the house and I talked about easter egg hunts and the Strawberry Festivals I remember from so long ago!
I'm so nostalgic! I can't tell you how much fun it was to relive those memories and see it all again through the lifetime of experiences I've had since then! Isn't the little white house just darling! No wonder I'm a such a fan of Anne of Green Gables! 
P.S. I just have to include this photo of my husband on the dock! I love that classic white shirt with his nice tan! Too bad I couldn't get him to remove the hat! Oh well, he was so much fun to hang out with on this trip. Despite the fact the baby was tired and cranky he was patient and so willing to go along with my ideas! I love you hon!
I love that little house too! I'm a huge Anne fan, so I totally get it. :)