Sunday, August 28, 2011

Harvest & Fall Planting

We just put in 5 raised beds in the spring I cannot believe I already feel like I need more room next year!  Since there really isn't room to put in another bed I will have to use every inch wisely!  I'm also trying to plan for more year round gardening.  I harvested some of my carrots this morning and we've been eating them. But I'm going to leave some in to go to seed for next year since they are biennial.
Here are the potatoes we harvested the other night, and some out drying as seed potatoes - my first try at this.
I also moved the strawberries into the berry patch so I can use the half barrels for sweet potatoes & fingerling potatoes next planting season.  In the meantime I am going to plant more cabbage in them for winter harvest and see how it goes.

Please feel free to comment and give ideas on seed saving, I'm new so I will need lots of help.  I put some books on hold at the library - that's always my introduction to new subjects & then I dive in and try them for myself! How is your harvesting coming along?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Seasons changing

I love the slow movement of the seasons.  As summer draws to a close I enjoy puttering around the garden and house, slowly easing out the summery items and easing in fallish things.  Yesterday out came the potato crop with the childrens help and the fall lettuce went in their place. The front porch got a little sprucing up putting some of the brighter shades of blue away as the window boxes are toned down.  The summer mantel was also put away with a the first fall pumpkin now in her place of honor!This slow movement is good for the soul.  It's not quickly OUT WITH THE OLD!  It's respectfully in with the new, honoring the season that we're still holding onto but embracing what comes too!  I hope you enjoy the fall as much as I do!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Did I mention I'm not a happy camper?!

But my husband & children are!  This was the camping trip hoped for & looked forward to all summer!  Motorcycling in the woods thru trails & up a mountain side!  I'm glad I don't know too much - I would have been even more nervous than I already was!  They had a blast ~ my husband had a few much needed days off!  And.... momma got a quiet house!  Well... almost quiet - I did have one little person who is not quite big enough to ride!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

How does your garden grow?

Late in the spring I posted about the beginnings of this gardens first season.  And now, here is my lovely potager, in full bloom!
The past few weeks have been so pleasantly full with warm and bright mornings as we open our eyes.  I've really enjoyed the quiet moments puttering in the garden morning and evening, watering and looking for abundant offerings.  It's really been so easy with these raised beds with out weeds!
In my "garden bed" you can find artichokes, cabbages, walla walla onions, corn and even baby pumpkins.
In another bed we enjoyed the peas (none of which actually made it into the kitchen) and then the beets, carrots, lettuce, turnips and zucchini started to abound. 
There is also an herb bed with an espaliered pear tree and strawberries, blueberries and raspberries in there own patches (these don't make it inside either!).  The last bed on the end holds the beans, potatoes, asparagus & cucumbers.    (after putting in the potatoes I found out they don't make good bedfellows with the cuc's but that will have to be remedied next season using the companion planting method) 
Not to be forgotten on the deck we also have a cherry tomato & she just finally offered up her first fruits
I'm loving these last peaceful summer days, I mean really deeply wholeheartedly loving them!  This summer feels like the end of a season for us.  The children are growing up, this is our last year with grade school aged children only (next year we'll have a middle schooler).  Some of the family fun we've had seems to have held it's luster but I just have this sense "it wont be like this for long."
Blessings to you as you wrap up your summer fun!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Bliss

I'd rather have roses on my table, than diamonds on my neck.
~ Emma Goldman

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A little glimpse into our summer life...

Our oldest daughter at her first overnight horse camp ever!  She is growing up so fast!  She just celebrated her birthday & she is ELEVEN now!  Suddenly she seems so different.  She has her own agenda and she wants to go go go!  Thankfully this summer family has joined in to make her summer happenin'!  She's been vacationing at the beach several times and out to a special broadway show!  To overnight and day camps and down to Woodland to stay with childhood friends!  Whew!  We have been busy! 
This darling little one however is pretty content to just be along for the ride!  Wherever that ride may take her!  She is always asking to "doe bye bye"!  Cute and spunky little thing!  She loves to talk and sing all day long and loves to gain everyone's attention!  She is really quite easy going most of the time even though she knows what she wants! 
I don't have any great photos to post of the boys who have been playing furiously with friends from Woodland and boys down the street!  They are so much happier when the two of them are distracted from each other!  More on those two later! 

Now I have a fun new post to do about my candles.  So pop on over to Lily White & Clean when you have a chance!

About Me

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wife & mother of 4 beautiful children, 2 girls & 2 boys. small business co-owner; catering and a restaurant/alehouse, writer, gardener, lover of freedom and humility found in christ, small town enthusiast, book reader, admirer of noble truths, beauty and love
